By Our Special Correspondent

IT’S something we, the people, should question but we are not doing it! The kind of subtle and dictatorial pressure being put on citizens to get everyone young and old, healthy or sick, poor or rich — vaccinated in the interests of covid-19 pandemic in bad in practice and law. However, in recent times several groups are coming together to speak up around the world and also in Goa, and they are asking how many people have lost their loved ones after vaccination?
In Goa the Awaken India Movement has now come with an initiative to collect information of such adverse events following vaccination, such as nervous system disorders, facial paralysis, tremors, walking problems, blood clots, heart attack, brain stroke, bleeding disorders, premature menstrual bleeding in young girls, thrombosis, eyesight problems, autoimmune and allergic reactions, antibody-dependent enhancement of diseases and more.
This initiative comes in the wake of what happened to the much loved Goan footballer Inacio Viegas. Sources say the footballer from Margao go himself vaccinated in Friday, July 9, 2021. The very same evening while he was playing football with villagers he suffered a stroke, rushed to Victor Apollo hospital from where he was taken to the GMC where he passed away. He leaves a wife and two children to rue what happened and mourn for him. The footballer was only 57 years old and no one is clear how the vaccine may have affected him enough to lose his life. Clearly, this is not a rare or isolated case, and many people are now coming out to recount how the jabs solo or double have been taking a toll on their wellbeing long after they were over.
Awaken India which is contemplating taking the matter to court says forced vaccination is illegal and no government on earth can force people to take the covid-19 vaccine if they are not inclined to do it or against their inner conviction. The right to life is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution and anyone may say, I don’t want to be vaccinated for covid-19 or any other problem which may be bothering them.
The rationale is surely vaccines are not the only solution to dealing with an infection, especially in this case of covid-19 which comes in various denomination of mild and moderate most of the time; surely, treatment is not on par for all cases of covid-19. Medical practitioners admit that RT-PCR testing itself is not fool-proof and gives false positives too often (as much as 30 percent of the time). Surely there are other ways to solve what is after all a viral flu variant and can be handled with medicines instead of vaccines?
One of Awaken India Movement’s core team members is Darryl D’Souza, author of a widely read book ‘Become Healthy or Extinct’ He says, “Both my mother and me suffered from covid but it was not so severe and I succeeded in treating both of us without even drugs!” His Earth Keepers Connect offers natural medicine options to do with boosting the immune system. Others who think forcing vaccination on anyone is illegal are Adv Nilesh C Ojha (Mumbai), Yohan Tengra (Mumbai), senior advocate Colin Gonsalves, Dipali Ojha (Mumbai), Rushil Tamboli (Bhavnagar) (Human Rights Law Network) and several others.
Currently in Goa teachers are under pressure to take the vaccine or don’t bother to come to work (the alternative is to produce a covid-19 negative certificate on a daily basis, a most expensive proposition). In fact, despite all the cajoling and persuasion at State and local administration levels there are those citizens who are not inclined to be vaccinated. Mercifully, the State hasn’t made vaccination legally mandated yet and it cannot do it blatantly and legally either! Vaccination is a choice and everyone has a right to make up his or her mind on the subject. Quite simple forcing vaccination is illegal and who has proved that vaccination makes us into healthier human beings?
Vaccines have become a controversial issue and covid-19 or no covid-19, people would rather die than go get themselves jabbed! In fact, if anyone is forcing you to get vaccinated you may appeal to Awaken India Movement for help.

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