CARNIVAL: It is a return to the good old ‘Carnaval’ which is being organised by the CCP commissioner Agnelo J. Fernandes (fourth from right) in partnership with several restaurant owners along with Director of the Taj Group of Companies Vincent Ramoes (third from left), others in the picture are Richard Dias, Prahlad Sukhtankar, Vivek Parsekar, Mackenzie Pereira and Pradeep Nayak.

February 26 to March 1, 2022:

IT’S that time of springtime again, my dears, trees are dressing up in new leafy foliage and flowers, the birds are singing songs of natural social cheer…and capital city Panaji’s traditional carnival or “carnaval” (as they spelt in the old days) is all set to unroll anew. Time to re-discover the spirit of carnival in you and bring it out for ventilation!
Goa has always been a state of carnivals of one kind or another – but this carnival is special. Springtime is upon us and carnival is for cheering up, forgetting the cold, forgiving the corona virus variants for taking over our lives…send them packing maybe. Make a note of the dates: February 26 to March 1 coming up. It will be carnival time in Panaji.
At the Commissioner of Panaji Agnelo J Fernandes curtain raiser press conference at Town Hall, Corporation of the City of Panaji on February 15, 2-022 media people learned that this time carnival is going to be different, more traditional, no casino takeovers…six people are hoping to swing in some good times to cheer up the soul of human beings and children – present on the occasion with tea and batatvada and samosa for the time being for the media, were CCP Commissioner Agnelo G Fernandes, Richard Dias, Mackenzie Pereira (event manager in charge), Prahlad Sukhtankar (restaurateur extraordinary), Vincent Ramos (magical deliveries courtesy Taj Group of Hotels), Vivek Parsekar (municipal engineer, Mackenzie Pereira, and vintage car rally man Pradeep Naik.
The four-day extravaganza this year will focus on some usual and some unusual events to chase the wintry chills away. According to Agnelo bab the CCP is planning for a series of events across the city with industry stakeholders, citizens and community champions playing a stellar role. The nostalgia of by gone carnivals will be revived! Get ready for the dancing samba-style! The centrally located Jardin Garcia de Orta will be transform into the Samba Square and here the people will meet and socialize…other venues will be the refurbished walkway aloang the Miramar beach, in addition there will be cycle tours, walking trails, foot courts showcasing the best of Goan cuisines…there will be theme menus although I wonder that will translate to. What is culinary pop-ups? Be sure to find out!
If the Taj Group of Hotels’ Vincent Ramos is orchestrating the foodie scene scenery you can be sure there’ll be something to tantalize discerning souls. Speaking at the PC he said, “We’re all here for love of the city of Panaji! This year we want to make sure that Panaji comes alive and people see the real traditional carnival…” No, he assured, there will be no casinos, in response to a query. Other highlights, usual highlights: a live brass band playing, the vintage car rally courtesy Pradeep Naik – this showcasing of yesteryear’s four-wheelers always invites a lot of nostalgic oohs and aahs with various folk seeking a ride along.

DESPERATE: After the two year Covid-19 gap residents of Goa and tourists are desperate for entertainment and the kind of celebration that the Goa carnival has symbolised.

According to Prahlad Sukhtankar some 26 restaurants and eateries are involved in doing the foodie spreads…there will be a food truck somewhere, “We know food can make or break a carnival!” Some of the food spreads will be curated by food connoisseurs so don’t forget to look for the out of the way offerings coming up this carnival.
Last but not least of all do not forget to join in the traditional Red & Black street dance on the last day of the carnival, March 1. Remind me of this, I must go dressed up in my glad rags to say hello to King and Queen Momo…who this year is top secret! Keep the casinos out please, my Panaji town is not going to be become a casino town. If it does I am moving out of Panaji, my dears.
My Panaji is a garden town even if the gardens are in a shambled state…may be carnival is a good excuse to cleana and spruce them up, make them more public-friendly, less wild dog and stray cows friendly? My goodness, have you seen the selection of fierce looking plants growing in Panaji’s gardens lately? I wouldn’t want to trip and fall into any of those shrubs with leaves like swords or in a glory of deadly thorns!
But this is to say I am looking forward to Panaji Carnival 2022 rolling out next weekend. On that note it is avjo, selamat datang, poiteverem, au revoir, arrivedecci and vachun yeta here for now.

—Mme Butterfly

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