NEW INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CULINARY SKILLS COMING UP AT FARMAGUDI: Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte along with GTDC Chairperson Ganesh Gaonkar inspected the on-going construction work of the new Institute of Hotel Management & Culinary Skills at Farmagudi on April 20, 2023. The minister reviewed the progress of the work with the WRD Chief Engineer Pramod Badami and Lotus Environment Consultant Ravi Shankar. Rohan Khaunte noted that the tourism sector generates 35% employment to Goans and it is necessary to improve skills in the hotel industry. The new institute will be training 320 students and number of students may increase to 500 later on. He expressed confidence that the project will be completed on time, that is in another four months. Several government officials and advisers accompanied the minister during his visit.


HOME Minister Amit Shah was here at a recent meeting at Farmagudi — but shame on the State BJP leaders and their supporters for not questioning him about his controversial statement about the Mhadei river water diversion issue! He was addressing a huge public rally of die-hard BJP supporters on Sunday (April 16, 2026), glorifying the achievements of the BJP government and promising many more “jumla” with an eye the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Despite knowing that Goans were very unhappy about the Mhadei issue he uttered not a word about it. And unfortunately, our elected BJP leaders (including MG party leader Sudin Dhavalikar and some former Congress leaders- cum-defectors currently in the BJP) were seen devotedly sitting right on stage like kindergarten kids, drinking in Shah’s most “faltu” blah-blah “bhashan” like he was a global celebrity. Not one our Goan worthies dared to point out to him how upset Goans are about the BJP decision to hand over the headwaters of the river Mhadei to Karnataka. No questions, no answers.
Clearly, our third-class politicians are in politics to get themselves elected over and over again to enjoy their own
“ache din.” Goa is a great place to make money in political business. Goan voters who elect these so called leaders should take serious note of the sick mentality of “darpok” and send them home permanently in the next elections.
Finally, regarding the south Goa Lok Sabha seat I feel that the BJP can wrest back this important seat from the Congress only on one condition. By backing/activating (which the BJP leaders will surely do just like they have successfully done during the last year’s Assembly elections in the state) a few of its own small-time B-team political parties, or sleeper cells. This will successfully split anti-BJP votes from south Goa. Viva Goa, Viva Goenkar!
— Jerry Fernandes, Saligao

THE decision by the Goa government to celebrate Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s 50th birthday on April 24 would be in rank contempt of our High Court’s order passed on April 25, 2001 in connection with birthday celebrations of politicians.
The High Court had come down heavily over expenditure incurred on advertisements released by the Goa Construction Housing & Finance Corporation on the birthday of MLA Isidore Fernandes, who was then chairperson of that corporation. The court took cognizance of the advertisement and was of the opinion that the said advertisement could not have been issued at the cost of a public sector undertaking.
The government gave an undertaking to the court that no attempt will be made to project or benefit any individual at the cost of the public exchequer while issuing advertisements. It is unethical and unlawful to celebrate birthdays of any politician by using public funds and misusing governmental machinery for such private occasions, sometimes even camouflaging it as having been organised by the political party. It is appalling to see such blatant misuse of power in contravention of law.
Our good wishes to Pramod Sawant on his 50th but let the show not go on at taxpayers’ expense. It is incumbent that the chief minister ensures this leading by example.
—Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

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