DURING the discussion on one Calling Attention Motion tabled by MLAs Venzy Viegas, Vijai Sardesai, Carlos A Ferraira and Viresh Borkar on Thursday, July 18, it was shockingly stated by members of the august Goa Vidhan Sabha, that the administrator of Communidades of South Zone is frequently absent and lacks supervision of his office. The discussion before the House insinuated that the incumbent administrator is often inebriated and there were also demands to suspend him.

During  Question Hour on July 17 MLA Vijai Sardesai charged that the Director of Tourism, who is an IAS officer, charges 5% commission.

    Such highlights in the assembly reveal that administration in Goa has gone to the dogs the chief minister has virtually lost control. The CM being the head of administration must rein in the inept babu lok.  Regarding the conduct of the current administrator of Communidades of South Zone, I have seen him work as the deputy collector of Ponda.

I had visited him for one official purpose pertaining to Land Acquisition and found that he was in his office with red eyes, inebriated. Upon inquiry with his staff I was told that even in his earlier posting as the deputy collector at Dharbandora, the said man used to drink alcohol during office hours.

Goa is such a small state that such incidents cannot be hidden from even the chief minister.  Despite all this why are such officers still posted in public posts like Deputy Collector & Administrator of Communidades? The Revenue Minister and CM need to give us answers. They must remember that the first interaction of the common citizen with government administration is with the talathis, mamlatdars in their offices. The common Goemkar will not meet and greet the Chief Secretary but is bound to meet the mamlatdar for his work. But what we see today is officers of Revenue department doing mutations in 24 hours for some people while common man is suffering for disposal of his mundkar case. But the same mamlatdar will dispose a negative declaration tenancy case of a hotel in coastal belt within weeks! 

If the CM and his government are serious about ensuring clean governance, they must first remove corrupt mamlatdars and deputy collectors from their offices.

–Sadanand Raikar,
Colva, Salcete, Goa


THIS refers to the Union Ministry of Education instruction of just 10
bag-less days a year to reduce the burden on school children. There is need to
check students carrying their school bags. Many children carry
the school bags not according to the school timetable but all the
books including the tuition books, etc. It is schools which have to keep a
check on the weight of school bags of students instead of blaming anybody else.

–Cajetan Peter D’Souza, Mumbai


THE Portuguese are genuinely unique. They are very kind, considerate and caring. Extremely hospitable, very honest and straightforward. What you see is what you get. Their passion for football is unbeatable. Music lovers and fun loving they are. They are very laid back while one can never see even a trace of malice or greed in them. Who can forget their heroic and pioneering adventures across the world from Asia to Africa and the Americas with brave explorers finding new sea routes to new frontiers.

Portugal is blessed with a temperate climate which makes life all the more tolerable and enjoyable without having to contend with extremes. Almost all government services are online but if you ever visit any government office you would encounter an official spending more time exchanging pleasantries then effective customer service.

The Portuguese love their food, healthy, tasty and of great variety, designed to please any palate, and unlike some places in Europe, it’s never a sandwich at lunch but a full meal which is incomplete without a glass or two of wine. Portugal is just beautiful and serene. The warmth of the people just intensifies as you move around the countryside and into the villages.

Today people shell out a huge amount to obtain a Portuguese passport. Fortunately, I was blessed to get it for free, thanks to the authorities in Goa who relentlessly chased and hounded me, insisting that I am not an Indian but Portuguese.  Why they singled me out only God alone knows but with any injustice it often turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Anyway, that’s now all history. And maybe I was destined to be a citizen of this great, glorious and fabulous country.

It is easy to see why Portugal was ranked 4th in 2022 as the best place for expats to live and increasingly becoming more popular because of the environment and climate, the plethora of leisure options, safety and security and above all the friendliness and resourcefulness of its people. But unfailingly my love for Goa and in particular my birthplace – Ribandar — shall never never  die. 

Viva Portugal, Viva Ribandar, Viva Goa!

–Aires Rodrigues

by email airesrodrigues1@gmail.com

from Lisbon, Portugal


YUVA, in collaboration with the Forest Department, organized plantation activities at Bal Bharati, Ribandar and at the Institute of Maritime Studies, Vasco. At Bal Bharat, the event was led by YUVA President Sarvesh Shetye, secretary Diksha Shetye, co-ordinator Harsh Desai, members Chirag Verenkar, Rigved Pednekar, Ravish Shetye, Veda Dessai, and Shamitha Shetty were present.

Principal Apolonia Fernandes and teacher in-charge Ankita Fadte oversaw the planting of saplings with the help of forest officer Vishant Fatarpekar and  students.

At the Institute of Maritime Studies (IMS Vasco), the event was coordinated by Harsh Desai and Vaman Sakhalkar, YUVA founder Raghuvir Mahale, Forest RFOs Shefali Naik, Shubham Naik, and Dnyanesh Naik were present. IMS director  Shivram Kamat and teacher in-charge Heston Dias guided students and their faculty in planting saplings.

All such initiatives highlight the importance of environment conservation and actively involve students and faculty in enhancing the green cover of Goa. Dedication and enthusiasm played a  crucial role in these events.

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