It was World Cancer Day on February 4, 2021 and there’re no vaccines to prevent cancer! Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health Minister Vishwajit Rane were chief guest and guest of honor respectively at a function organized by oncologist Dr Shekar Salkar of Gokarma Oncology Association (a fraternity of oncologists). Keynote speaker Dr Anil D’Cruz (president of the prestigious Geneva-based Union for International Cancer Control) in his keynote address reminded Goans that Goa has a high incidence of cancer amongst Indian states and Goans should consider lifestyle changeovers like quitting smoking, imbibing (liquor) and eating bad food. Pic shows the CM presenting a memento to noted well-known onco-surgeon Dr Anil d’Cruz, alongside are Health Minister Vishwajit Rane and Dr Shekar Salkar.



THE heading of the news report in a local newspaper — “No possibility of Casino vessels releasing sewage into Mandovi” – according to “Audit”  report dated January 31, 2021, gives a clean chit to the casinos operating in the  Mandovi River!

The author of the audit report must have been well entertained by the casino lobby to make such a fool-proof statement. We are aware sometime back when it was all in the papers how senior police officials were entertained in casinos. Were these conclusions of the audit an outcome of such an exercise squandered by the casinos?

We would like to know the names of the individuals involved in making and preparing the audit.  What water samples were collected, the records with specific details of samples collection, date, time, location, etc, from surroundings and periphery of the coast. And also which were involved in conducting the analysis.

In recent years we have seen the power of money, when rotting black is seen or projected as linen white. In reality, we just do not doubt, but ridicule the seemingly  lopsided and biased report put out courtesy money bags politics.   

A parallel collection of water samples for further analysis and comparison by the local NIO Institute for further accuracy and trust-building is imperative.  The report mentions 40 per cent  discrepancy between water usage and sewage generation. This does not foster any sense of trust in the casinos and the process. It appears the casinos have been successful in hiding their misdemeanors, or the auditors engaged are intoxicated by their largess.

 I’m glad they at least caught  and reported the discrepancy. The auditor’s report says there is no record of visitors leaving the vessel (which would have been helpful) and “suggests” the casino tracks this using various methods. This is all a clear indication of the lack of rules and regulations governing the casinos.

Indeed, money makes the world go round and round and if Mollem can be destroyed due to the lure of the lucre, what’s so alarming if the auditors see, hear and find no evil in the manner of functioning of casinos?

 Whoa! No possibility of Casino vessels releasing sewage into Mandovi!

This auditor’s report should not be an eye wash. It should be a tool to bring about improvements in the larger good of Goa’s deteriorating environment status. We do not want to go the Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaleru way!   

–Stephen Dias, Dona Paula


THERE is no doubt that the current pandemic required one central agency to control and monitor it. Its current status can only be attributed to WHO, which has at its disposal the best scientists from the world over who worked relentlessly. They took all aspects, even economics, into account. Their objective was to: break the transmission and they came up with keep 1 meter distance, wear masks, wash hands frequently, avoid crowded places, sneeze in elbow or tissues.  Note: all must be done simultaneously. When the transmission is broken you will have protected others and yourself.

 Wearing masks alone do not protect you: but when two persons at 1 m distance, wear WHO recommended three-layered cloth masks, the efficacy of the mask is 91%! While vaccines in India have an efficacy of 70%! The elderly and those with comorbidity, must use N95 masks.

Theory alone cannot comprehend all aspects as found in the field. Listen to the experts working in the field, they are not elected people. Protect others and you will be protected. Remember, chickens always come home to roost.

–R Fernandes, Margao      



WE are now at least in Goa witnessing a rank breach of protocol in the COVID-19 vaccination which is underway. Despite government directives that only healthcare workers are entitled to vaccination in the first round, many influential family and friends of those running private hospitals have managed to sneak in to be vaccinated freely (that is non-health


They have been able to take undue advantage as there is no proper mechanism in place to identify and weed out non-health workers from the list of applicants. All this does not augur well for a system meant to be just and fair, free from favouritism and sleaze!

 It is so unfortunate that prominent people have the audacity to circumvent the set procedure even during a pandemic. It has been rightly said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Government guidelines are meant to be strictly adhered to and the onus is on the officials to crack the whip on violators without fear or favour. This destructive virus does not discriminate between people of wealth and status and the common man. It infects anyone and everyone especially the vulnerable and those exposed to the virus. It is for this reason only that the priority groups established by experts must be vaccinated first and in that order.

With Chief Minister Pramod Sawant publicly stating that he has not yet decided whether he will be taking the vaccine or not, it is no moral booster to especially the uninformed public. In fact the recent session of the Goa Legislative Assembly was an ideal occasion for all the 40 law makers to be vaccinated with government  approval. It would have bolstered the public’s now wavering trust in vaccines.

It is lamentable that integrity is the loser even at a time of national crisis, as cronyism and queue jumping on status basis takes precedence over what is sensible and beneficial for the common good. Integrity is the essence of everything successful.

Government and those selfish enough to think that they can corruptly manipulate the system, should take heed of Martin Luther King Jr advice when he said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  

I for one have decided to receive my jab at the Ribandar Health Centre in the Old Ribandar Hospital when it starts! I was privileged to be born over 60 years ago in that great hospital and God forbid anything goes wrong, I would like it immensely if I get vaccinated at the venue of my birth! The people of Ribandar would also be gratified if the old Ribandar Health Centre is restored for public good use.   

–Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

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