By GO Team

TODAY, April 23, is World Earth Day. It’s time to become more conscious of how our mod con and hi tech-driven urban lifestyles is impacting life on earth. The earth is finite. Colossally wasteful lifestyles are unsustainable and more and more people are becoming aware of how mass cutting down of forests and patronage of plastics is affecting our finite natural resources of air, water, earth, space which supports all life on earth – and not just the human animal!
Every decent human being is asking for reparation and salvation for Mother Earth. To curb energy usage, to change our model of development and progress to be environmental friendly first – to save forests of trees and rivers of water for they make life on earth possible. To spare the denudation of hills and mountains and especially to rescue the mountain states of the sub-continent of India from rampant exploitation in the name of greed rather than need.
More and more conscious and conscientious business people are switching over to patronizing eco-friendly local produce and packaging and many parents now want their children to learn how to do farming and grow their own food to eat! Bore well drilling is destroying traditional wells and sinking water tables will do more long term damage as water disappears from land reservoirs, it is indeed, time we harvested sea water for portable use. Also harvest water from the copious rain we enjoy during the monsoon rains…much more, switch over to solar and wind power instead of depending on government supplied electricity at increasingly unaffordable cost.
It is Earth Day today, Friday, April 23, 2021, one more time and are we prepared to imagine a future without air, earth, water, sky, space and everything these elements support to make life on earth worth living? The best way to celebrate Earth Day is to stop patronizing plastics in all the ways we can, to go vegan or vegetarian, to consume less and work out more, to practice austerity and kindness as a way of living…teach your children the value of kindness, education, a wholistic knowledge of science and how to be a consumer without dreaming of more and more and more beyond need, want, greed.
Let us do something, anything, to save our good earth, Mother Earth on whose lap we live and breathe, as of now the earth is still the only planet we can nurture, multiply and live! The survival of the fittest must apply to human beings too in the sense of the word instead of the worst. The human civilization owes Mother Earth big-time vis-à-vis practical changes costing very little!
To quote Duke of Sussex Prince Harry, grandson of the late Prince Phillip of the British royal family, on the occasion of Earth Day: “As we now begin to move towards an era of global recovery and regeneration, it’s critical that we continue to look at the strengthening and protecting of biodiversity, not just as a value we hold – but as a responsibility that is vital to our way of life…”
Prince Harry, a former military pilot, is president of African Parks, a conservation NGO managing 19 parks in 11 countries across Africa. His grandfather was the first president of the World Wildlife Fund, UK, from 1961 to 1982 and later president emeritus. Reportedly Prince Harry takes as much keen interest in the betterment of the worlds’ environment as his grandfather did!

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