Some good news! The Indian Medical Association, Mormugao branch, has started an ambulance service for people in Mormugao taluka. The ambulance has been donated by the Rajaram & Tarabai Bandekar Charitable Trust and is managed by M Suvarna and Dr Seema Bandekar. The keys to the ambulance were handed over by Santosh Mahale, representative of the trust, to Dr Gladstone, in the presence of Dr Shailesh Kamat on May 1, 2021.
The ambulance is fully equipped with basic life support facilities like oxygen cylinders, multiple monitor, suction machine and as well as life-saving drugs and equipment. The IMA Mormugao has constituted an ambulance committee comprising of Dr Gladstoen Dcosta as patron, Dr Shailesh Kamat as chairperson and Dr Kapil Talaulikar, Dr Mayur Pai and Dr Ravi Krishna (President IMA Mormugao) as members. This committee will look after the day-to-day management of the ambulance.
Ambulance services are available 24×7 and can be reached on mobile Nos.7507197010 or 9850450805. According to Dr Sailesh Kamat the ambulance service will be run on a no-profit basis.



With pandemic difficulties affecting the education sector the most, a seed has been planted to promote an online informal center for career, life-long learning and hobby courses in Goa. Called the Collaborative Learning Cafe, this is an initiative of the Friends of Jesuits of the Goa Province and is being launched Saturday, June 5, at 6.30pm
Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Secretary Anthony (Tino) de Sa, retired from the IAS, will deliver the inaugural speech titled ‘A Career in the IAS: Prospects & Challenges.’ It will guide and inspire youth who might be thinking of a career in the Civil Services. Director of Nirmala Institute of Education Dr Rita Paes will chair the session.
Initially being launched through the online mode, the plan is to also have real-world classes when needed, and as situation permits. The classes will focus on imparting useful knowledge and skills rather than formal qualifications. It aims to encourage life-long learning, build job-oriented and careers skills, upgrade skills regardless of age barriers, promote short-term courses, and build role-models for the youth of Goa.
The Provincial of the Goa Jesuits has lent full support to this initiative, stressing the role of education to grow “productive, caring, and sharing citizens” and also to foster peace and harmony among all people. Content generated will be available for free download. To connect with this weekend’s program those interested may visit collaborativelearningcafe.org or WhatsApp +91 76193 99507



The Department of Information has announced that the campaign for Covid vaccination is now on for the category of 18-44 years beneficiaries. The vaccination started off on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at the 39 permanent covid vaccination centres and 44 new centres all over Goa. Those who seek vaccination may present themselves along with mandatory documents as follows:

  1. Divyangs, June 3 – 10, beneficiaries must carry their disability certificate or UDID Card and Aadhar Card/Photo ID proof.
  2. Lactating mothers (post-partum 45 days onwards) June 3 – 10, beneficiaries must carry birth certificate of child and own Aadhar card/photo ID proof.
  3. Parents of a child whose age is 2 years or less June 3-10, beneficiaries must carry birth certificate of child and own Aadhar card/photo ID proof.
  4. Persons in 18-44 age group with co-morbidities (diabetes, heart diseases, cancers, renal failure, down’s syndrome/cerebral palsy, etc), June 7-15, beneficiaries must carry necessary certificate (Annexure-I) from treating doctor and own Aadhar card/photo ID proof.
  5. Auto-rikshaw and taxi drivers, motorcycle pilots, June 7-15, beneficiaries must carry copy of valid permit of rickshaw/taxi/motorcycle issued by Transport Department, government of Goa and own Aadhar card/photo ID.
  6. Seafarers, June 7-15, beneficiaries must carry their certificate from Captain of Ports or SID (Seafarers Identity Document) or CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) or any other document of similar effect and own Aadhar card/photo ID proof.


The National Fishworkers Forum General Secretary Olencio Simões has welcomed the National Green Tribunal order for re-conducting the public hearing which had earlier violated Covid protocols. According to Olencio three fishermen organizations, namely Akhil Goa Kshatriya Pagui Samaj, The Canacona Taluka Gabit Fishermen Trawler/Machanised Craft Owner Co-operative Society and Goenchea Raponkarancho Ekvott filed a petition which the help of Goa Foundation, citing basic procedural flaws in conducting the public hearing which had just allowed 100 participants in both venues of North and South Goa.
Reportedly the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority(GCZMA) along with The National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management(NCSCM) has consistently failed to prepare proper Coastal Zone Management Plan even after an expenditure of Rs2 crore. Therefore there is a demand that the NCSCM should be dropped and The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) or any other Goan reputed institution should be given the task to prepare the CZMP, in accordance with The Annexure-I of CRZ Notification 2011 which has laid down clear guidelines for preparation of the plan.
Olencio states that since the fishing community is a primary stake holder and the Coastal Regulation Zone has to ensure livelihood security to the fisher communities and other local communities living in the coastal belt vis-à-vis conservation and protection. The GCZMA should conduct the public hearing at multiple locations, at taluka levels, on different dates. By doing so as many as 173 fishing villages fishermen communities representatives can attend and submit their objections so that an accurate and representative CZMP plan may be finalized for the larger good of the State and its fishing community.

One thought on “GOA NEWS”

  1. AAP has given 1 Cr. For the Frontline Warriors who died of Covid-19 Disease. Hope BJP will do the same in Goa.

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