JUSTICE MAHESH SONAK INAUGURATED the VMSCL Incubation Centre for Advocates at the Kamat Grand Panaji on October 24, 2023. This initiative established by VM Salgaocar Colleage of Law (VMSCL) with the support of industrialist Dattaraj Salgaocar, marks a significant milestone as it is the first of its kind for advocates in Goa. VICA is a dedicated platform primarily aimed at VMSCL alumni, providing them with workspace facilities, mentoring, internet access, remote research material and extensive library resources. The Centre will also offer comprehensive advocacy training programs to equip alumni with the necessary skills for successful careers in litigation. Chief Guest who did the honours is a former VMSCL student, Justice Sonak, and he expressed his belief that the VICA initiative will encourage and support young advocates in pursuing a better future in the legal world.Such a centre will bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical difficulties faced in legal practice. Picture shows (L to R) Dattaraj Salgaocar, Justice Mahesh Sonak and Principal Dr Shaber Ali G. Also present were Dr Kim Couto (vice-principal, VMSCL), advocate Nitin Sardessai, Prof Anil Dinge, Prof Bhaskar Nayak, Prof MRK Prasad and other faculty members, alumni and students. VMSCL alumni interested in joining the centre may visit the college website vmslaw.edu.in for  details and submit their application to the principal by November 11, 2023. 


IT is very distressing to see so many people in Goa dying so young. It is so disturbing to read the obituary columns of the newspapers while we can only helplessly grieve and mourn the sudden departure of our dear brothers and sisters in the prime of their lives.  

The reasons for people dying young could be one too many, unhealthy lifestyle habits and diets, road traffic accidents could be also taking a toll. Come what may, we all must avoid being unduly stressed, but it’s easier said than done.

May be our Health Minister Vishwajit Rane could get his experts in the medical field to try and do some probing and to address the root causes through education, awareness and other preventative measures. There is a need to be very health conscious and address any health concerns or abusive lifestyles early enough by being very candid about it and not shying away from any symptoms.

We should be truthful in sharing our health and other issues bothering us with friends and people who care. It could possibly help ease those worries and anxiety on our already

burdened shoulders.

Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar


IN order to understand the rise in sea level globally, it should be stressed that this can be done by assuming that global warming is  not happening. In that case the melting of the ice caps in the Arctic region and Antarctica would have been as per normal temperature rise at these places during the warmer days.

However, due to emission of greenhouse gases, the heat of the sun is trapped in the denser polluted atmosphere which retains higher amounts of heat and is caused due to emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, methane, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide as a consequence of burning of fossil fuels, which leads to higher temperatures and thus increasing amounts of melting ice at the poles.

 This cycle of heating is a vicious cycle which then leads to higher sea levels and submergence of low lying areas. Greater the volume of water and higher the temperature, in turn leads to higher rates of evaporation, higher levels of humidity and therefore greater degrees of precipitation on reaching of dew point that causes excessive flooding.

This pattern has and is happening globally. The polar regions are not insulated from global warming. The use of fossil fuels have to be drastically reduced!

–Elvidio Miranda, Panaji


CHIEF Minister Pramod Sawant whilst speaking at the 43rd anniversary celebrations of the Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited in the city on October 31, 2023, said that his government will come up with a new rule. Wherein if any rent-a-car or its driver is involved in any fatal accident, then both the driver and the owner of the vehicle will be arrested. Sounds really interesting. But this is like saying that if a patient under the care of a particular doctor dies in any hospital then the doctor too will be arrested. 

In that case why is the Pramod Sawant-led BJP government also not planning to bring  a similar type of rule and get all PWD contractors arrested? For habitually giving us horrible potholed roads, and holding them solely responsible for the death of innocent in our many road accidents? Why not arrest casino owners for allowing their gamblers to get drunk and create a nuisance in public on roads outside the casino offices in Panaji?

The government says the reason for the aforesaid rule is because it cares about its citizens’ safety. If so why issue licenses and allow non-Goans to set up more and more wholesale liquor outlets every few metres – so that our drinking motorists act/behave more like roadside rowdies, if not like devils, in different parts of Goa?  

Instead of implementing senseless rules the government should seriously come up with a rule to arrest cops from the Traffic Cell first for deliberately not checking and punishing those indulging in rash/drunken driving, and  miserably failing to implement strict traffic rules – to stop innocent people dying on the roads of Goa. Hope better sense prevails!

–Jerry Fernandes, Saligao

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