PRIDE: On India’s 68th Republic Day, lifeguards of Drishti Lifesaving who monitor Goa’s coastline celebrated along with beach goers at Goa’s popular beaches Calangute and Colva


WHAT’S wrong with cashless transactions? If a `100 note is circulated 1,00,000 times, it will have the same value and nobody gets any commission. But if it is circulated through cashless mode, each transaction fetches 2.5 per cent commission. 1,00,000 times 2.5 per cent = 2500 per cent. That is `2,50,000 to service providers like Paytm or Jio Money, etc, just for `100! So it is a perpetual golden egg-laying goose gifted to the gang. That’s why this is the mother of all scams.

A reputed CA has some very important statistics, please read and understand, no politics in this.

Do you know that:

  1. Debit cards charge between 0.5-1 per cent to the retailer or money receiver for every transaction?
  2. PayTM / Freecharge / Jio Money and other e-wallets charge 2.5-3.5 per cent when you want to transfer e-wallet money into your bank A/c?
  3. RBI data shows every month around `2.25 lakh crore (annually Rs25-30 lakh crore) is withdrawn from ATMs across India. And it is estimated that along with bank withdrawals, a total of `75 lakh crore is withdrawn (both banks and ATMS) on a yearly basis. All this is accounted/tax paid money which is withdrawn from banks. Currently just three per cent of transactions are in electronic mode.

If this `75 lakh crore is converted to a cashless economy look at how much the companies will earn: `75 lakh crore @2 per cent average per year.

This is the biggest open scam. Direct benefit for corporates like Reliance, PayTM, banks, etc, of `1.5 lakh crore per year. So was demonetisation done to end black money? Or was it done to benefit corporates?

– Libby Lobo, Panjim


ON January 26 we celebrate India’s Republic Day. This year I invite all Indians to pledge our fidelity to our county and be true witnesses of peace and justice, and to prove our citizenship by being faithful Indians and advocates of truth. Let us practice solidarity, breaking our hearts of stone, and fill them with love, truth and justice, reach out to those who are afflicted with poverty. Let us be transformers and transform our nation into one where love and light rules, let us fight social evils like hate, communalism, corruption, terrorism, unemployment, injustice and in one voice say Jai Hind! Let us all take the pledge to walk together sincerely to the polling booths, and vote for a political party which will enrich and empower us,. Happy Republic Day 2017!

– Cajetan Peter d’Souza, Goa

FEBRUARY 4, 2017

ON February 4, Goa will vote to elect 40 MLAs. Every election must be free and fair with people being able to make their choice without fear, favour or intimidation. But with almost the entire bureaucracy in Goa having been deviously saffronised by the BJP over the last five years, the onus would now be on citizens to be vigilant so that the election process is not vitiated. The Election Commission of India also has to keep a very watchful eye while ensuring that it plays a very productive role.

The law requires that no government servant should be politically biased or inclined towards any party. May these great words of our late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam be an inspiration to them all in the discharge of their duties, “If you salute your duty, you have no need to salute anybody, but if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody.”

– Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar


THE power game has just begun. A wide array of parties in the fray are out to convince you in the manner born, to persuade to you to vote for their candidates. But every voter must realise that his/her vote is potentially crucial given the large number of parties, and thus the expectation that margins of victory will be very slim. So voters must weigh pros and cons and then decisively decide for whom to cast their vote, especially since the last time around your expectations may not have been fulfilled.

The candidates who get the majority of votes are the ones who will prevail and thus, it is all the more important that every voter makes a judicious choice, so that there are no regrets! Judge your candidate by the credibility that they have and who only in their heart of hearts have your interest in mind.

This year is a good year to decide on a new candidate if your existing representative has not lived up to your expectations. Although you may think you are taking a gamble, it would be prudent to try out a new candidate who you think best fits into your scheme of things. Greenhorns and untested candidates may be more eager to fulfil your expectations this time then the old candidates who flunked their chance.

Either way, my advice to voters is to introspect deeply before casting your vote for a candidate. Take a gamble and it may benefit you, don’t vote in the same old stupor of traditionalism!

– Elvidio Miranda, Goa


FACEBOOK COMMENTS (Jan 21-27, 2017 issue)

Mariano Faleiro: Choir-ank vote diunk nakam!

Vinay Dhopesh: Nothing new is stale news.

Anil Parulekar: I am told by my Catholic friend that quite a few priests this time are openly supporting Kejriwal.

Keizar Martins: What about presstitude?

Gabriel de Sa: And what is our Archbishop doing.

Milagres Coelho: For so many years Faleiro didn’t do anything. Now at old age what he will do???

Cynthia Vas daCosta: In 2012 they supported the so-called BJP for a change and today I say they’re  supporting the AAP openly. My Lord, my God, only God can save Goa.

Nisha Tavares: V have to give chance to everybody to prove themselves. NCP didn’t do, BJP didn’t do, now it’s show time for APP!

Ashok Kharangate: Supporting Kejriwal out of religious or emotional factor will run Goa!

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